Cowhide 101: Caring for your cowhide bag

Cowhide 101: Caring for your cowhide bag

If you're udderly in love with your cowhide purse (pun intended!), you know it's not just a bag; it's a statement piece. Cowhide is different than other materials and needs to be treated with love and care. Follow these simple steps to keep your cowhide purse in tip-top shape:

What you’ll need:

  • Soft bristle brush or toothbrush
  • Water
  • Mild dish soap
  • Dry white cloths

STEP 1 - Brush off the dirt
Take your soft bristle brush or toothbrush and gently brush the outside of the bag. 

STEP 2 - Mix dish soap with water to create a cleaner
Mix ½ teaspoon of dish soap with 1 cup of warm water.

STEP 3- Clean your bag
Dunk a clean, white cloth into your cleaner and wring out the excess. Next, wipe the bag in small, circular motions.

STEP 4 - Rinse your bag
Dip another cloth into warm water (no cleaner) and go over the areas of the bag that you used the cleaner on in order to rinse off the excess. 

STEP 5 - Dry your bag
Wipe off excess moisture with a clean, dry cloth.

That’s it! When you’re not using your bag, be sure to store it in a cool, dry place and fill it with scarves or newspaper to help keep its shape. 👜🤎